To ensure the stability and availability of the API for all users, Bespoke implements various types of rate limiting. If a request exceeds any of these rate limits, the API will respond with a 429 Too Many Requests status code.

This rate limiting mechanism serves to prevent excessive usage and ensure fair resource allocation, allowing all users to access the API smoothly. By enforcing rate limits, we strive to maintain optimal performance and reliability of the Bespoke API.

Standard Rate Limit

To ensure fair usage and maintain system stability, we have implemented a standard rate limiter that restricts the number of requests allowed within specific time windows. Our rate limits are based on minute-long intervals and vary depending on the specific endpoint being accessed.

Each endpoint within our API is accompanied by a description that outlines the corresponding rate limit and the duration of the minute window. It is important to note that these quotas are subject to change, and we may introduce new quotas in the future to optimize performance and enhance user experience.

Burst Rate Limit

Currently, we have not implemented any burst rate limit in our system. Burst rate limits allow a temporary increase in the rate of requests beyond the standard rate limit. However, we are considering the possibility of implementing burst rate limits in the future to accommodate temporary spikes in request volume. As we continue to enhance our services, we may introduce burst rate limits to provide a more flexible and efficient API usage experience.