The Bespoke API employs an offset/limit based paging mechanism, where requests can include parameters for offset and limit. The limit parameter specifies the number of desired results, while the offset parameter determines the number of items to skip before returning the results.

To streamline the process for the caller, we have included a count endpoint for each endpoint that supports pagination. This allows you to retrieve the total count of items available without fetching the entire result set.

The default and maximum values for both limit and offset are provided as part of the API documentation. However, please note that these values may vary depending on the specific endpoint. It is recommended to consult the endpoint's documentation for the accurate default and maximum values applicable to your use case.

offsetintegerThe starting index of the data page to be returned. Defaults to zero (from the first item). Values should be greater or equal to 0
limitintegerThe maximum size of the data page to be returned. Values should be less than or eaqual to 100